Well its been a long time coming but I have finally decided that I should write a blog! I was probably one of the very first London Taxi Drivers to start using the internet in 1996 and putting up London Taxi related website on the World Wide Web for all to see. Over the last 14 years I have witnessed alot of changes on the web, there are obviously a lot mroe people using the internet and of course these include a lot more taxi drivers. There was once only a couple of London Taxi websites on the net but now there are literally hundreds! it seems everyone wants their slice of the World Wide Web!
There have been various forms of email lists and Taxi Forums run by different people over the years, most have dissapeared into the abyss of internet heaven (or hell) as it may be, some have remained and probably the oldest and longest running list is that of the Taxi Talk Discussion list which I still run. It is basiclaly an email list where members can send an email that the whole group receives, also any replies are also sent to the whole group.
There is also the advent of Twitter! this has brought a lot of London Taxi Drivers together who have formed TweetaLondonCab, this is a service where members of the public can do what it says on the tin, they can from their mobile phone Tweet a London Cab, the customers seem to love the service and everyone is in a win, win situation.
Well enough about history and lets start looking forward to the future, I will try to update my blog at least once a week and aim to make it interesting, funny and informative!
Hi Jamie it'nice to see you blogging, looks like you've been pretty busy over the years off roading,etc,etc.
ReplyDeleteWhen you started on the internet back in 1996 I was into my 4th year of driving a cab and
vaguely new anything about the internet, it wasn't till 1999 that I bought my first computer.
Hats off to you for being our first cabbie with a blog site and to stick with it for all these years, well done mate.
Cheers Steve, thanks for the comment, I was not the first cabbie to have a blog or website as there was one other at the time but I was one of the first, I have met a lot of great taxi drivers over the years through the internet, many who have become very good friends, it has also provided me with a lot of opportunities and work!